Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Jewish-Moroccan Author: Holocaust is ‘New Religion’ to Justify Zionist Occupation of Palestine

A Moroccan Jewish anti-zionism activist spoke about the Zionist strategy amining to justify the occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Jewish-Moroccan Author: Holocaust is ‘New Religion’ to Justify Zionist Occupation of Palestine

Rabat – Moroccan-French author and activist Jacob Cohen has strongly criticized the Zionist strategy aiming to influence people around the world to justify the occupation of the Palestinian territories.
The author, who was born in Meknes in 1944, criticized Zionism at a lecture under the theme “the Holocaust … and the Zionist Agenda” held in Rabat on Friday, January 4.
Cohen referred to the Holocaust as a “new religion” invented by Zionists to influence the world to justify the occupation of Palestine.
He added that the Zionist lobby made the issue of the Holocaust so “existential” and have “prevented  historians from talking about the issue unless it is done in a way that satisfies the Zionist agenda.”
The agenda, according to Cohen, aims to victimize Jews, and to show that nobody suffered more than them.
The author added that Israeli governments have been presenting the Holocaust as a mean “to spread fear” since the 1970s to  turn a blind eye to its massacres against Palestinians
Cohen also criticized the Aladdin project  initiated by  the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) aimed at introducing Muslims to the realities of the Holocaust.
“Aladdin also set itself the task of highlighting the historical evidence concerning the role of Muslim rulers and citizens who helped the Jews during the Nazi reign of terror, said
Commenting on the project, Cohen said that the Aladin program shows that “zionists only talk about peace and the ideal of this dream, and even the right to a two-state solution without condemning the occupation.”
He also spoke about te “the evil genius of Zionist”  and the racist propaganda and deception, recalling the “arbitrary identification of the number of Jewish victims.”


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